The symposium organizers gratefully acknowledge the generous support provided by the following supporters

Symposium benefits Sponsor
US$ 25,000
US$ 50,000
Major sponsor
US$ 100,000
Logo placement with a link to the sponsor’s website on the IPHASA website Bronze level recognition Silver level recognition Gold level recognition
Acknowledgement in the post-meeting report
Logo on the digital promotional materials
Logo on the conference virtual platform
Verbal and/or visual acknowledgement during opening session
Access to names and contact information of all meeting attendees, provided their permission is obtained
Advert on the IPHASA website home page
Virtual pre-recorded non-promotional satellite session 45 minutes 60 minutes

Symposium benefits

Symposium benefitsSponsor
US$ 25,000
US$ 50,000
Major sponsor
US$ 100,000
Logo placement with a link to the sponsor’s website on the IPHASA website
Acknowledgement in the post-meeting report
Logo on the digital promotional materials
Logo on the conference virtual platform
Verbal and/or visual acknowledgement during opening session
Access to names and contact information of all meeting attendees, provided their permission is obtained
Advert on the IPHASA website home page

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

With support from